Sermon 8 – Luke 315-22 Baptism of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit

Blue Lake Presbyterian Church | 1-10-2016

The movie “Back to the future” was released in 1985 and turned 30 last summer. Wow, where did the years go?

Now for a moment imagine being back in time, and find ourselves in the middle of a spelling bee.  And the word we need to spell is lectionary?

L-E-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y .  (Lectionary)

Of all the people I asked in the last few weeks if they knew the meaning of this word only a few did, but most didn’t.

Honestly up to a few months ago, I didn’t either.

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary a lectionary is a book or list of lections for the church year.

More freely translated it is a list of readings from scripture for each week of the year.

The practice of reading appointed scripture, on given days, or occasions dates back to the time of Moses. In those days it was made up of Torah readings and later passages were added from books like Kings and Chronicles, and the prophets. In Luke 4:16 we read about Jesus in the synagogue reading from the Book of Isaiah.

In the early church the practice of reading from pre assigned bible verses evidently was inherited from Judaism.

In the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam hangs a Rembrandt painting dating back to 1630, portraying the mother of Rembrandt reading a lectionary.

The Lectionary in place today is referred to as the RCL (revised common Lectionary) is used in most protestant churches and is based on the Catholic lectionary.  It is universally used around the World, using verses from: OT, Psalms, the epistles and Gospel readings.

It is on a 3 year cycle, alternating between Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, starting at Advent.  We just finished the year with Mark and 2016 is the year of Luke.

You may ask, what is the relevance of all this?

Four weeks ago I did a sermon and for THAT week the lectionary included Luke3: and Zephaniah. My choice for the Sermon fell on Zephaniah. The lectionary for this Sunday again includes Luke 3:15-22,  and a good portion of it is the same as last time.

Not being familiar with these lectionaries, it seems striking that the same scripture passage repeats itself four weeks later. But this seems striking to me. I guess it is time to pay attention today’s reading of Luke and examine it in more detail. Let’s start with reading Luke 3 15 please turn your bible to page ……. .

 Luke 3:15-22

15As the people were filled with expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might be the Messiah,16John answered all of them by saying, “I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.17His winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his granary; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”

then verse 21Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened,22and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”  (The word of the Lord.)

Since this is the year of Luke, let’s take a peek at this historic writing. The gospel of Luke is the longest of the four Gospels in the bible, counting 30 pages.

Mark and John start with the baptism of Jesus, but Matthew and Luke take us all the way back to the birth of the Messiah. Luke however goes into greater detail. I suppose this makes sense because Luke was a doctor, a physician and he walks us step by step through the conception and birth of not only Jesus but also John the Baptist.                           Luke describes the life of Jesus up to age 12. Then there is a long period where there is no account of Jesus, what he did, or where he lived. Then the story continues in Luke 3 and in verse 23 is says: Jesus was about 30 years old when he began his work.

This leaves much speculation what Jesus did, or where he was, for 18 years.

For a moment, let’s go to London, England where every summer people from over the World, come to attend the classical music festival, called the Proms. At the conclusion of this festival, during the famous “Last night of the Proms” in early September, the Royal Albert Hall is filled to capacity and an estimated 100,000 are outside in Hyde Park.

That last night concludes with the crowd joining the orchestra singing songs including “God save the Queen” and the hymn “Jerusalem” written by William Blake. At some point, check U-tube and search “Last night of the proms- Jerusalem” and see this crowd of over 100,000 people sing along with the song “Jerusalem”.

This hymn is a staple in church hymnals throughout England.  Lacking an official National Anthem this song has become of the anthem of choice sung at Rugby games all over England.  (bulb supplier sales person from England)

What exactly is it that these folks are singing at the top of their lungs in that U-tube clip?

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk on England’s mountains green:

And was the holy Lamb of God,

On England’s pleasant pastures seen!

Wait a minute…. The Holy Lamb of God on England’s pastures seen? …..Are these Englishmen suggesting that Jesus spend time in England? ……I suppose they are. This is where the speculation of that 18 year gap in the bible of the whereabouts of Jesus comes into the picture.

England was a major source of tin for the Roman Empire in the days of Jesus. The abandoned Tin mines in South West England are still evident.

English folklore has it that Joseph of Arimathea, the uncle of Jesus, was a wealthy tin merchant and would travel to England to make tin trades. Legend has it that on one of these trips he took along Jesus the son of Mary.



Neither  John, Mark, Matthew or Luke could tell us what happened during those 18 years so we will never know for sure, but what we DO know, is what happened when Jesus was 30 years of age, back in the land of Israel.

His cousin John the Baptist was only 6 months older than Jesus, born as only child, to Zecharias and Elizabeth. John provides an integral part, to the launch of Jesus’s public ministry. John was a teacher and Prophet; he had a following of Israelites hungry and thirsty and anxious for the anticipated arrival of the Messiah.

John received the word of God, in the wilderness, and was commissioned to spread the message of repentance and love of others, by sharing with the less fortunate in society. The place where he baptized was in the exact same location, where Joshua had led the people of Israel, through the Jordan, into the Promised Land 1400 years earlier, after spending 40 years in the wilderness.

Isaiah had prophesied in Isaiah 40:3 clear the way of the lord, in the wilderness make smooth, in the desert a highway for our God. Four centuries later Malachi foretold in Malachi 3:1 Behold I am going to send my messenger and he will clear the way before me.

With the BCS championship game tomorrow night between Clemson and Alabama and NFL playoffs games this weekend, America is still in the spirit of football. Speaking of football one of the key positions is the running back, but this star player carrying the ball, depends heavily on a skilled and strong full back.

The full back as the lead blocker, with his amazing strength, clears the way, and makes a clean path for the running back. So it was with John the Baptist who was the one clearing the way for our Lord Jesus, as had been predicted in Malachi 3:1: and the Lord whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple and the message of the Covenant, in whom you delight, behold he is coming.

John said, in verse 16 “I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming. Baptizing with water depicts washing clean, of things on the outside, it implies repentance of sins.


Jesus baptized with Holy spirit, depicting: cleansing, and purifying the heart, like a fire purging the rubbish from within, and a like a hot fire can melt metal, so does the fire of the spirit, have the ability to cast things into a new mold in other words, the the Holy Spirit has the power of  transformation.


John could only promise the folks in the Jordan being baptized that they would be safe; but Jesus has the ability to make that happen and turn this into reality has our LORD and SAVIOR.

In verse 17 it said 17His winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his granary; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”

The wheat and the chaff or not neatly separated in distinct piles the Lord with his winnowing fork does the separating.

Picking the good from the bad is something flower farmers are used to. The Latin name of these pink flowers in front of us is: Matthiola incana, most people call it “Stock”. These flowers are directly seeded in the field and 50% of the plants come up giving single flowers with are worthless, the other 50% are these double, beautiful ones you see in the vase here.

The flower farmer only picks the stems with double flowers and leaves the others in the field and they become compost green feed for the next crop that is planted, so it is with the wheat in the field. He will gather the wheat in the grain shed, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. This sounds like the ultimate vivid description of hell.

And he will gather his believers and prepare them for the Kingdom of heaven, the promise of eternal life.

We read in verse 21 now when all the people were baptized and Jesus had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened,2and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”  Can you image what the crowd must have felt, complete astonishment, here indeed was the son of god.

The other bunch of flowers is on the table here is Ornithogalum dubium, some people call them Star of Bethlehem. They come in white, yellow and Orange. Most of the production of bulbs and flowers take place in Israel and they exported all over the world. We grow this flower at our farm in Oxnard and we purchase the bulbs from Israel.

A few years ago my wife and I had the great fortune to visit the bulb supplier in Israel and check out the bulb production see some of the latest varieties. We then took a few days for some site seeing, including a trip to the northern part of Israel to Mt Tabor, Nazareth, the site of the wedding of Cana, Capernaum and the Sea of Galilee. It is called the Sea of Galilee but is truly a midsize lake, which drains into the river Jordan. Then the tour bus took us to a site at the river Jordan where people are being baptized today.

What I sight to witness that Jordan River, the river that is so deeply rooted in Jewish history from Genesis to Deuteronomy, Joshua and Micah, there are so many references in the bible to this river, the eastern border of the Promised Land, the river where Jesus was baptized, the place where history changed forever.

The baptism of Jesus, simultaneously marked the inauguration of Jesus‘ earthly ministry. Luke describes that immediately after being baptized Jesus spend 40 days in the wilderness and while being hungry and thirsty the devil tempted Jesus three times. He overcame these temptations with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Satan is wielding his powers in today’s world.  Look around us, the forces of evil are everywhere.

In a few minutes we will sing the famous hymn” A mighty Fortress is our God”.  Martin Luther wrote this hymn in 1529.

This hymn is the ultimately battle song of good against evil. The last verse depicts the word of God above all earthly powers, the Holy Spirit and God’s gifts are with us, he is on our side and his kingdom is forever.



Ladies and gentlemen, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus and like a fresh spring it provides water to all those who believe.


John writes in John 7:37  Jesus stood, and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”  Then He spoke concerning the Holy Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive.


Folks, The heavens opened and the Holy Spirit came down and landed like a dove. And the spirit stayed with Jesus for the three years of his ministry.


This is the Holy Spirit that gave Jesus the strength and perseverance in the wilderness for 40 days and being tempted by the devil.

The spirit that gave Jesus the wit and wisdom to rebuke Satan

The Holy Spirit provided Jesus and later the disciples as described in Acts the amazing ability to perform miracles.

The Holy Spirit was there on Mt Tabor with the transfiguration of Jesus with Moses and Elijah.

The resurrection could not have happened without the power of the Holy Spirit.

After the resurrection Jesus walked the earth for 40 more days before ascending to heaven.

Ten days later the Holy Spirit poured out over the earth on the day of Pentecost.

Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the mighty fortress that is our God

The Holy Spirit is here. It is the gift that was given 2000 years ago to all those that believe.

Let our hearts be opened and let the Holy Spirit of God live among the people.

Let the fire burn and cleanse our hearts and transform us and allow the spirit to live in our hearts forever.

Let us be like that beautiful blooming flower bringing Joy to others.

Thirst for Jesus, believe in him, let the fresh waters from the spring flow, and quench our thirst.

Put you trust in Jesus Christ, our LORD and SAVIOR and the Holy Spirit will lead us on the path way to eternal life, the narrow road to the Kingdom of God.
